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What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
What causes CFS?
What processes are failing in the body?
Can CFS be cured?

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

CFIDS (referred to as CFS on this site for brevity) is a condition whereby over time the body becomes so run down that it does not recover and no amount of rest will restore one's previous energy levels. Symptoms may include an inability to concentrate ('brain fog'), flu-like headaches, low mental and physical energy, insomnia (an inability to stay asleep for very long), digestive problems (including excessive bloating and wind), poor or improper immune system functioning (including possible allergies and chemical sensitivities), pale complexion, a slow down in the body's ability to heal itself (including injuries or infections) and recovery energy levels (that are attainable), muscle stiffness and sometimes even muscle pain, etc. A complete list of symptoms can be found in the CFS section. Severity may vary from patient to patient. It is hard to generalise about CFS, as each case is unique on many levels and in its exact pattern, and conditions indeed evolve over time, but there may be certain similarities in terms of symptoms and causation. A discussion of the interchangeability of the above terms of CFS, CFIDS, NDS, PVFS and ME can be found on the Overview page in this CFS section. Please use the yellow menu bar on the left of the screen to navigate the topics on this site.

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What causes CFS?

There are numerous triggers for CFS, usually a severe viral episode or bacterial infection. There is however no single one type of virus or infection that is associated with all CFS cases. Other triggers may include for example a traumatic accident. They are thus not the cause of CFS per se. Such episodes are more the factor that pushes an already impaired body into a Catch 22 situation of Chronic Fatigue, where the body is unable to restore its previous health and energy levels on account of self-perpetuating problems in the body on a biochemical level. There are many factors to consider, and the root causes of CFS often stretch back over many years or decades of general biochemical decline - the rate of decline being more noticeably rapid at some phases than others.

Clearly not everyone who experiences such infections or traumas develops CFS. This is because their bodily biochemical functioning has not declined to the extent of those who go on to develop CFS. Thus they may feel fatigued after such infections or traumas but generally recover to their former level of health, whatever that may be.

CFS is generally a result of some of the following factors:

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What processes are failing in the body?

The most obvious processes that appear to be failing in the body of a CFS sufferer usually include:

      • Mitochondrial inefficiency and rapid mitochondrial depletion (i.e. problematic energy production on account of insufficient nutrients and oxygen at the mitochondrial membrane, and toxins and patial detoxification products clogging up the mitochondrial membranes, and also excess free radical damage to the mitochondrial enzymes and lipids of the mitochondrial membranes). This results in not only a rapid depletion of physical and mental energy but also insufficient energy for the organs to perform to their full capacities, some of which are listed below.

      • Insufficient Hormone and Neurotransmitter production (resulting in an inability to sleep properly or to manage stress levels effectively). This is partly due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies and an impaired methylation ability.

      • Insufficient stomach acid and digestive enzyme production, digestive impairment.

      • Low and/or improper immune system functioning (and decreased tissue oxygenation levels), resulting in: Dysbiosis (the proliferation of harmful bacteria, fungi and parasites in the colon, and often spilling out throughout the body); Food Intolerance and Allergies (gut inflammation); Viral proliferation and associated cellular damage; Multiple Chemical Sensitivies and Allergies.

      • Inefficient liver function, resulting in accelerated build up toxins in the organs, tissues and bones of the body.
      • Inadequate endogenous antioxidant protection against oxidants and free radicals resulting in excessive free radical and oxidative stress and damage in the body.

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Can CFS be cured?


Contrary to what some will tell you, CFS can indeed be treated and cured to provide a complete restoration of FULL HEALTH. However, on account on the complexity of the core underlying problems, treatment and cure is rarely the result of one simple treatment or supplement, but a complex treatment process that has to be personalised to meet the individual's exact needs. The exact course of treatment should be tailored according to the individual's need and the nature and priority of the core problems identified; and to how the patient responds during the course of treatment.

Clearly the most important part of any treatment programme is to correctly identify the underlying root causes and to target the most chronic first. If one fails to really identify the major root causes that are operating at a given point in time, then only partial progress will be made, if any. Various tests of specialist tests are available and often require skilled interpretation. This is explored in the CFS section.

The methods used to treat CFS thus depends on the major causes and what exactly is going on in the body, but often involve:

      • Dietary changes

      • Eradication of harmful micro-organisms (using natural methods)

      • Cellular Detoxification

      • Mitochondrial membrane repair programme involving Phospholipid supplementation and FIR Saunas

      • Mineral, Vitamin and Mitochondrial cofactor supplementation

      • Adrenal support - using nutritional and herbal methods

      • Hormone and Neurotransmitter support/supplementation

      • Electromagnetic stimulation

      • Skeletal realignment

      • Brain Retraining including meditation, visualisation, brain synchronisation and Amagdala Retraining techniques

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. summarises the treatment protocol for CFS, ME and FM as 'SHINE' - Sleep - Hormones - Infections - Nutritional Supplements - Exercise. Clearly this does not cover all areas but gives a reasonable overview of what processes need supporting for recovery.

Treatment may be complex but it IS possible and it DOES work! Specialists have cured many tens of thousands of patients in this manner. In mild cases, a partial recovery can be obtained in days with full recovery in weeks or months. In more complex cases, on account of the number of years involved in the development of the problems in question, it may take up to a few years to finally resolve. The dedication of the patient to the right type of programme is thus vital. Do not be dishearted! Be dedicated in your approach and you will soon be completely healthy before you know it.

For some it may be a small hill to climb, for others a tall mountain peak, but there is no mountain that cannot be climbed without the right prepration, knowledge, technique, judgement, belief and determination. The more you abuse your body and overdo things during the treatment phase however, the worse you can become and the longer the recovery period will actually take.

'One size fits all' type 'cures' for CFS are well intended but often somewhat misguided (being based on too many assumptions), and although they may well contain many sound principles and treatment protocols, to not first properly identify the root causes in a given individual, treamtent may be only partially successful if at all - or in some cases merely allow the core issues (being unaddressed) to get worse. Treatments geared around the 'perceived average' CFS suffer may only cure a small minority of cases that fit the profile perfectly.

Treatment programmes geared towards alleviating symptoms using medication are often well intended but frequently misguided and lack the technical knowledge and breadth of understanding of the conditions in question. This is not intended to be a criticism of those who are patients in such treatment programmes, but merely on those who devise and provide them.

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