Fulvic Acid Group Test

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Nano Health Solutions / World Health Mall
Supreme Fulvic BioAg Wu Jin San
All 3 Products Compared

First Published: 3/2009
Last Updated: 26/5/2014


Whilst researching Fulvic acid and available products in the marketplace, I found that it was possible to purchase Fulvic and Humic acid in liquid form in gallon-sized quantities, rather than purchasing Humifulvate capsules or specialist chelating products containing small amounts of Fulvic acid. I therefore recorded what I found in this group test. For a detailed look at Fulvic acid, please see the Fulvic Acid section on the Detoxification Protocols page.

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Nano Health Solutions / World Health Mall

Nano Health Solutions stated that their Fulvic and Humic acids come from 'Native American land in Western America'.



Nano Health Solutions / World Health Mall state that their Fulvic and Humic Acid products are close to 100% solution. This is slightly misleading as it really just means that the solution contains only water and either humic or fulvic acid and no other added ingredients. It does not mean that it is a 100% solution, which means that there is no water and only pure fulvic or humic acid (i.e. one million parts per million). Some manufacturers on the market sell a 2-5% solution. So the exact concentration is not specified.

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Supreme Fulvic

Supreme Fulvic claim that their Fulvic and Humic acids come from (what used to be) an ancient freshwater lake in northern New Mexico in the 'Fruitland Formation' geological area (i.e. in South West or West of the US).




Supreme Fulvic market their Fulvic acid product as a pure Fulvic acid solution (but which contains minerals and vitamins etc. so it is not actually pure at all.) However they have stated that they do not dilute it in any way, but sell it as it is supplied from the miners/producers. They have also stated that there is no universal (national or international) standard for measuring fulvic acid percentage (or content). It has been proven on numerous occasions that when testing the same sample of fulvic acid, by changing the type of testing extractant or the concentration of the testing extractant, one will obtain different concentration percentage results, i.e. if ten samples of the exact same source of fulvic acid are bottled up and sent off to ten different independent laboratories for analysis, the results will vary from lab to lab. The results may vary from 1% to 40% depending on the test methodology. So concentration claims with no universal standard or citation of methodology used are basically totally meaningless. This applies to whether the product is a liquid or powder. All miners/producers will use some water in the extraction process. To produce 100% Fulvic Acid liquid with no water content is not possible. No reputable suppliers of Fulvic and Humic acid dilute their products after the production process to increase profits. Direct comparison is clearly difficult on concentration terms. Therefore, the most important consideration is probably the source or 'nutritional quality' of the humic material from which the product is derived. One could therefore make a subjective comparison by observing the results of different products. One may therefore wish to take concentration claims with a pinch of salt. Try a few different brands and see which you like best.

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BioAg Wu Jin San

BioAg Humic & Fulvic Solutions are suppliers of bulk quantities of Wu Jin San Pure Fulvic Acid. It is described as 'Fulvic Acid Solution - Herbal Supplement' and containing 'Concentrated Fulvic Acid in Pure Rainwater from the Sea'. It is made using 'the complex traditional way, developed in China 500 years ago' - a slow, enzymatic, proprietary fermentation process. The source of BioAg's Fulvic and Humic extracts is also in the South West of the USA; and BioAg uses filtered rain water.




'Fulvic Acid has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 1200 years, where it is referred to as 'gold medicine' or 'Wu Jin San'. It's benefits are just now being discovered by western medical societies.'

'In the 15th century during the Ming Dynasty, Li Shi Zhen, in the Materia Medica Pharmacological Compendium, recorded incidents of the use of "Wu jin san" (golden medicine), containing Fulvic Acid as the active ingredient in the treatment of infectious ulcer growth and female hemorrhage diseases.'

'Used since antiquity in China as an anti-inflammatory medicine, and as a tonic to increase energy and well being (Chi). Now made in the U.S from ancient humic mineral deposit.'

'For our [WuJinSan] liquid fulvic we use a complex enzymatic process, or slow fermentation, using a culture developed by Dr. Faust in Hawaii. The technology is based on an updated method of a centuries old Chinese process developed in the Ming Dynasty.'

BioAg state that Wu Jin San can be used externally, undiluted, to relieve pain, to assist in the cessation of bleeding or to heal burns and cuts; or when soaking sore muscles and joints to use a 1:10 dilution. The latter usage to me seems a waste of Fulvic Acid, as one presumably may as well just drink it instead, which will circulate around the body in the blood stream anyway.

BioAg also sells a product called Fauna Mana, a powder which contains fulvic and humic acids, as well as green tea, ashwagandha and 8 certified medicinal US-grown mushrooms (Maitake, Cordyceps, Reishi, Turkey Tail, King Trumpet, Brown Beech, Himematsutake and Shiitake).

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All 3 Products Compared

I have tried out three different types of Fulvic Acid, and also one Humic/Fulvic mixture and one Humic Acid solution. At the time of writing, I was unable to purchase directly from Nano Health Solutions, and was advised that the company World Health Mall could supply the exact same product for export. The brands I trialled were thus Supreme Fulvic, World Health Mall and BioAg.

Based on my crude calculations, and assuming that the Fulvic Acid in Supreme Fulvic is as effective a chelator mass for mass as the Humifulvate (i.e. Enzymatic Therapy's Complete Metal Cleanse) previously trialled (see above), then I estimate that given the relative volume of Supreme Fulvic required to produce the same chelating effect (in terms of sensation) as Humifulvate, that Supreme Fulvic is approximately 2-3% in concentration (or at least in that order of magnitude). This is however a subjective evaluation, and based on a number of debatable assumptions and equating two different substances as equivalent. I can however state that Supreme Fulvic is hugely better value for money than Humifulvate. Whilst 2-3% does not sound like much it is in fact quite strong. Sea water is itself is considered extremely salty and it is 3-4% in concentration (of NaCl).

In summary, I found that:

At the time of writing (February 2009), in 1 US Gallon sized bottles (3.8 litres), both World Health Mall and Supreme Fulvic Products were the same price per gallon, whereas BioAg's Wu Jin San was 12.5% dearer. However, given Wu Jin San's superior chelating abilities, it is the better value product. It is however different from the other products on review here, as it has no mineral content, whereas the other products do. To what extent the mineral content of the other products contributes to their reduced chelating power, and to what extent Wu Jin San actually contains a higher concentration of Fulvic Acid than the others, is a matter of debate. Perhaps it is a little of both, but most likely more of the former than the latter. It is likely that both the chemical extraction method and also the natural fermentation method are only able to extract so much fulvic acid into solution, and that what one buys is the maximum strength available.

Chelating ability aside, I noticed that when consuming the different products, I felt a slight increase in wellbeing within 5-10 minutes of consuming the Fulvic(/Humic) Acid, with a very slight headache following an hour or two later (i.e. chelation occurring - clearly dosage dependent - probably too high a dosage in these cases in hindsight). The sense of well being is probably mainly from the electrolyte properties of the Fulvic/Humic Acids rather than the mineral content; and perhaps also the antioxidant properties to a lesser extent (although I was taking huge amounts of antioxidants anyway and did not have an inflammation problem that I was aware of at the time.)

All products had a slightly different taste, but none were unpalatable by any means. All were fairly tasteless. Which product is the cheapest my well come down to shipping policies, and most offer free shipping. For export, Supreme Fulvic offered free shipping whereas the other suppliers currently offer rather costly shipping options (at the time of writing). But for US buyers, Wu Jin San is probably the best bet. Of course, it depends what one is after and whether one wants mineral content or not. I am rather sold on the idea of Fulvic and Humic Acid mixed together, and found this particularly pleasing, not necessarily in terms of effect, but perhaps it was more psychological.

Because of the heavy metal content, even though the levels are very low in the other two products, for long term usage, i.e. drinking sizeable volumes daily, I would probably recommend using Wu Jin San on account of its claimed zero mineral content. But for short term, low or even high volume usage, I would personally be comfortable using any of these products. That is just my personal preference at this point in time. Of course, it is probably best to consume these products at a frequent, low dosage, than at high dosages, as is explained below.

Each manufacturer/supplier claims to have a unique selling point. It is unlikely however that one will 'go wrong' with any of the above, assuming one follows the right protocols for detoxification at the right time given one's medical history. For a detailed look at Fulvic acid and how it fits into a detoxification programme from my perspective, please see the Fulvic Acid section on the Detoxification Protocols page.

I paid for all the products and shipping to the UK myself, with the exception of WuJinSan, from BioAg, which the company offered to send me for free, if I paid for the shipping. As it turned out, the shipping cost was about the same as the cost of the WuJinSan bottle, so in the end, it was not that much cheaper for him than with the cheapest of the others (from an export perspective). But I would like to make it clear that the free sample in no way affected my own judgement in the course of this review.

Information about Fulvic and Humic Acid suppliers and their shipping policies can be found on the Links page.

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